Friday, April 29, 2005

Well yesterday was the change of OC ceremony. The new and old OC has a speech to give. Well I personally of cos am quite happy for the change but at the same time worrying about what will happen to me. Although This new OC seems friendly and alway laughting but afterall meet him quite short still don know what kind of guy he is. At lease he maybe not that demanding hopefully he turn to be a good OC. As for CPT Tan my last OC, although he demands alot but he afterall is doing his job, wanting to score points for himself. I believe who won't understand to rise you have to do all this things to prove you are worthy. However why use me to add to your points hai it sad to know that all along the posting you have a firm say not to let me go. If not I would have been somewhereelse I guess. Anyway seen the speech you gave at the auditorium. There are two quotes I espically like, one was "The day you stop learning is the day you stop leading." The other one is "believe in your work and the belief will turn into a fact." Well for a commander ya you stop learning then there is nothing for you to teach and of cos how to lead. For anyone, if you believe you carry on working with pride, in turn you will be recognised. However I don see any of the above points applying to me. I am just a normal guy who wants to get out that all. All I get is still stuck inside there, stuck in the middle of no where. Feel so lost, though I have already found my path but then it turn out to be a bad or even worse than before. I still feel staying does not make any good. Do I get to learn anything from all these ? Yes I do get to learn how to cope with all this critisim but is there a need to deal with all these? In real working life maybe I will also meet such problems ya but I do have a choice to change job. ya you may say how many jobs you want to change becos of enviroment keep on changing job is a stupid way to solve my problems. But also if you carry on in an enviroment where everybody is alway against you how to survive ? You will still be quitting either being sacked or you quit yourself which I think quitting myself is better at lease I choose to leave rather than being chased away. Anyway I guess there is no stop to this and I guess this will only end to next year march when the man all ORD. Still a long way to go though hopefully it will be better next week.

J shall be happy

Quote of the day: Getting a recognition is not easy, it depends on first impression, things you do and time to earn it.

Jimmy stop typing at 9:45 AM

Thursday, April 21, 2005
A misunderstanding

Sigh well I was told last week that I got banned nights off due to the fact that I wear my vest slack walking around. It like it after office hours and I though maybe I can go specs mess buy some food. And while doing so my Officer in Command who left earlier some time happen to come back for something. I was stun of cos that he will come back so suddenly and I got scolding from him that why I left the office unattanded. It like maybe it my fault but it not that up that extend that he need to raise his voice so loudly at me for what ? I mean ya I am in the wrong I admit it at lease and after that I think he go verify with CSM and CSM in the end ban my nights off. It like I don't mind going for nights off or not what bothers me was that I make just a small mistake and thinking back how much I put in for the company, this is all I get. I got so angry thinking it was OC who banned me. Hai in the end last friday my company specialist so call a 3 sergeant he happen to chat with oc. Then OC was asking him got monitor my off he say how to monitor when I got ban nights off from CSM. He got suprise and verify with CSM and it like it not him who banned my nights off it was CSM. I all along though was OC so after knowing the truth I was so sad that I make a mistake luckily I never do anything stupid for revenge haha. Anyway the ban got lifted off and I still feel very gulity for what I think of him. Although he is sure a strict guy but he still got his good side I guess. Anyway he leaving soon and I am sure the next unit he went to, whoever is under him surely will suffer in one way or another. That it I just wish to say ya I won't just jump to conclusions so fast next time.

J Shall be happy

Quote of the day: Whenever something bad happens to go your way, don't just point your finger and accuse someonelse. check out everything before coming to a conclusion remember one finger points at other people there are 3 fingers pointing back at yourself.

Jimmy stop typing at 10:31 AM

Sunday, April 17, 2005
Miss her birthday

Sigh Yesterday 160405 should be meeting my friend for her birthday but whole day was too occupied with my friends. In the end I manage to find a little time to give her the birthday persent. However it 2345 by the time I reach her house she sleep already. Sigh call her house her mother pick up and so pai seh have to ask her which floor she stay so I can pass her the present. Her mother receive on her behalf and say will tell her tomorrow which is today 170405. I guess I still miss telling her happy birthday so happy belated birthday DOR. Anyway Yesterday was quite a fun day went to sim lim with my friends. They ask about blue tooth usb while I check out the pricing for PSP. The cheapest I found is 435 with set and accessory without games. One game is not cheap will be around 80++. Looks like now is still not the time to buy yet mi no money arhhh. Anyway shall wait and see how lor. Sigh sunday today have to go back camp for COS duty le so people I shall be back next week one day don't know which day yet maybe I will plan a sat till then see ya.

J shall be happy

Quote of the day: The person you love is not necessary the best or a good person. He maybe very bad and despicable but if he loves you with all his heart and never hurt you at all then he still deserved to be loved.

Jimmy stop typing at 12:18 AM

Monday, April 11, 2005
Yesterday was a bad day.

Oh man, 10 of april was quite a suay day. Bascially went to lot one in the afternoon to watch cyndi and it was like so packed arh I hate crowded places. Anyway while looking at her, there was this girl infront of mi keep on adjusting herself, I don see why she needs to pull up her socks when it is like ankle socks in the first place and also adjusting her bag. While she is at it, she elbow me a few times and with no apology like hey you are worth the elbow so just shut up. Anyway when the over thing is over my friend who happen to be the birthday boy today went up and get her signature. After that we went to k world and sing ktv. While the process in getting there, got lost faint, I hate to drive to places which I am unfamiliar of hai but sadly they wanted to go and one was suppose to navigate very well but in the end still lost almost ended up at a bus interchange haha. Anyway when we finally found our way to park my car and went into the k world we sing for four hours. Before I go in I put two coupons already but the timing still not enough, in the end I got a $20 summon arh what is the world coming to. Hai just plain unlucky lah but in the end five of us share the summon each 4 dollars. Sad have to ask them to pay too. Sigh guess next time should give them a treat anyway it also partly my fault. So guys remember I own you all a treat.

J Shall be happy

Quote of the day: Sincerity is everything, if you can fake that then you have got it made.

Jimmy stop typing at 12:12 AM

Thursday, April 07, 2005

Well deployment started this week, and I was put on duty already. This coming sunday then can book out. Alot of hassle while planning when to clear the off but finally we come up with an idea already. Anyway when I am on duty will be super super sianz, well pls be prepared that I will call you people any time haha. Sorry to say but really you all should have a taste of the boredom when I am on duty haha. Sigh have to wait to sunday then can book out. Till then people have a nice day..............................................

J Shall Be Happy

Quote of the day: A fail relationship just means the two are not fated to be together. Don't let the past affect the future. Believe you will get a successful relationship and you will have it.

Jimmy stop typing at 10:59 PM

Monday, April 04, 2005
Naurto Test

Well I took the test on naruto and I was this.
Which Naruto Character are You?
Test by

Just typing it out to let you all know what kind of charactor am I .

J Shall be Happy

Quote of the day: Being lonely is the worst feeling one can get. Don't ever follow in my foot steps.

Jimmy stop typing at 4:40 PM

Sunday, April 03, 2005
One week

Well one week passes one week, and it like so fast it april, before you know it will be end of april already. Well it a good thing though faster end my ns life haha. Someone once told me ya maybe she is playing hid and seek from you and you eventually will find the girl of your dreams. I thanks her for consoling me but at the same time thinking ya she really did hid her self so well that no matter how hard I try to find I still can't find her and even though I say give up already she still went into hiding. Ha ha anyway if it is meant to be will be, I not thinking of anything anymore. My life I also don know what kind of route should I pick. I seems lost but I won't lose my way home that is for sure haha.

J Shall be Happy

Quote of the day: No matter how strong you want some thing it just won't come to you, but if you take it lightly it may just float into your hands.

Jimmy stop typing at 10:11 PM


Welcome to my life story

The time


Name: Jimmy Lim

Status: single

Birth place: Singapore

Current location: Australia sydney


Friend's blog

[Evil Gui]

[Evil Gui 2nd]















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