Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Can't sleep

Hai don know why I can't sleep, now blogging in the middle of the night or so call morning 4.48am. Oh man what happening to my sleeping habits, recently been like that I guess I thinking of too much stuff lately. Maybe it time to rely on some pills to make me sleep. Finally after today tomorrow thursday I shall start clearing my leave and yes I won't be returning back to camp until my ORD date. Finally I can feel the date is coming I can feel my pink IC is calling out to me. Nothing much is happening just hope time can pass faster.

Jimmy stop typing at 4:50 AM

Saturday, May 13, 2006
A touching story

Some time back I receive an e-mail I think it in poly and the title is what I put here. As the story goes: There was this couple who love each other very much how ever the girl's parents keep on objecting to that relationship because they feel the guy is a poor guy who can't even support himself how is he going to support their daughter. However no matter how strongly they object, still can't affect the love between them. The girl under so much pressure alway ask him how deep is your love for me. The guy who is not good with words just replied with words very normally like I do love you very much. She feel very sad but upon seeing him that he is very sincere she still remain with him even though how much her parents objected to it. Then one day the guy graduated and decided to study overseas and before he go he tell the girl he will love her forever and ever no matter what happens his love for her will never die and finally ask her will you marry me. The girl got so touched she cried and she agreed to marrying him. So before he left he engaged with her but before they can do anything, her parents come in and strongly object so they told her if you want to marry him , we will disown you. The guy who was around at the spot heard this. He get very upset but he never give up he told them that after he come back from overseas he will give her a good life and he swear to god in front of them and begging them as he do so. Afterall they are humans, and they do have feelings so upon seeing what he did they finally give in and give them their blessings. After a year has passed their love never seems to die down and they manage to keep in contact through phone calls and writting letters even though the going is hard but they never though of giving up because they truely love each other. While he go oversea study she found a job and work there. So one day while she is walking along the pathway a truck seems to be losing control, due to the driver feeling drowsy the truck give way and went into the pathway hitting her and she suffer a head concussion as she hit her head against the ground. She was sent to the hospital and the doctors operated on her. When she regain her conscious she saw her mother and father beside her. She tried to call out to them and telling them she is alright but she can't. The doctor say the vocal got injured in the crash and she will never get to speak again in the future. She was devesated after she recover from the injuries she discharged and go home only to find that it a torture. She can't speak and she felt she is a burden to him so she decided to break up with him and even write a letter for the breakup together with the ring returning to him. The guy not knowing what happen try all means and ways to communicate with her however to no avail. The number of phone calls he make make her feel even worse. Every call is like pierecing through her heart. All she can do is cry and cry, her parents upon seeing this decided to move house so as to stop all communication the guy can do to find her. After moving house, she miss him very much but since she already made the decision so she decided to try to forget him. Another one year has passed she manage to learn hand signs and one of her friend tell her that he is back already and he seems to have really succeed. He come back wearing a suit seems like he is a head of a company. She was very happy for him but at the same time she don wish him to know of her accident so she request that don let him know. Her friend agree to help her keep the secret so after that there was no more news of him. While reading the news one day she saw him on the cover and as she carry on reading she got dealt a blow because the news show that he is getting married. She told herself ya I will be fine afterall someone else should take care of him instead of me I won't cry but tears just flow down uncontrollably. Then she think of the past promises he made yes he made it big but I guess he has forgotten me already. After the accident she work at a hand sign home then as she go for work the manager hand over a wedding card to her on it writes the guys name. She was suprise how come he manage to find her and even ask her to attend his wedding. She cried when she receive the card, the manager signal her not to cry and read inside. As she read on she saw the name of the girl is herself. She got puzzled as what is happening then the guy walk out and appear infront of her. He use hand sign to signal to her that I been learning hand sign for the past one year just to communicate with you. I made a promise before that I will give a girl good life no matter what happen to her and marry her take good care of her and that girl is you do give me a chance to be your voice I love you . After that he put back on the ring on her finger. The gal smiled and hugged him.

Ok I do modify abit but the point is there.

Treat every relationship as if it is the last then you will know how to give
Treat every moment the as if it is the last then you will know how to treasure
You control your FUTURE, your DESTINY. What you think about comes about.By recording your DREAMS and GOALS on paper, you set in motion the process of becoming the person you most want to be. Put your future in good hands?- your OWN."
Not yesterday's load we are called on to bear, Nor the morrow's uncertain and shadowy care; Why should we look forward or back with dismay? Our needs, as our mercies, are but for the day.

Lastly true loves will only come if you believe and put an effort into it, those who never put in effort and go after her because she is pretty will never ever get the love he wants. What a girl want is reliable guy who they can hold onto not flirting guys. To all the couple in the world may it blossom into a beautiful flower.

Jimmy stop typing at 10:43 PM

Monday, May 01, 2006
A new month

Yeah finally it may, getting to may means it nearer to june which is my ord month. Finally after so many months of suffering finally it all coming to an end. Just pray hard that time can some how pass faster. Recently nothing much is happening a boring week has just pass. Weekend also nothing much and the game I bought of winning eleven 10 it just can't work on my PS 2 but somehow it work on the uncle's shop. I wondering is it some kind of magic? Serisouly my set right is quite old but quite steady so far there is no games I buy can't be played. I trusted that shop tampiness because it never give me any fault so I seriously don believe it the set problem but the game disc. However I can't prove it spoil, I just don know what happen hai just my luck I guess. Anyway maybe I don intend to but anymore, will take note of other shops around so I can go exchange for my spoil ones haha . Lastly fai exams are coming to an end and that means my leave starting to clear very soon, it a very good news indeed. Finally can don stay in the boring camp, how i wish I can get my ic earlier.

Jimmy stop typing at 11:30 AM


Welcome to my life story

The time


Name: Jimmy Lim

Status: single

Birth place: Singapore

Current location: Australia sydney


Friend's blog

[Evil Gui]

[Evil Gui 2nd]















[Sze 1]

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