Sunday, December 31, 2006
Last entry of the year 2006

Well finally it that time of the year again, 31st december the last day of 2006 and the welcoming of 2007. For this year 2006 I must say nothing much interesting nor special. Just another same old year and plain days of my life, review of my actions I think I need to improve on alot of things. Hopefully I can improve in the coming year 2007. First thing first just went to see the fireworks at sydney harbour bridge it really is so beautiful and wonderful. Too bad I forgot to bring my own camera if not I could have taken the beautiful shots and post it here. Well as a matter of fact in sydney now is offically 2007 already, in singapore about 1 more hour will be a new year.

As for my new year wish, I shall just make it plain and simple, to be able to excel in my studies and hopefully bring glory to my self and my family haha. It would be great if I could also manage to find her next year. Well almost every year is the same wish but never seems to come true perhaps I need to show my actions hopefully next year I could get my wish. I also would like to wish for peace and harmony , happniness for my family, may they alway blessed with good luck. As for my friends hopefully you all enjoy your life to the fullest and stay happy always. Remember the darkness of times shall stay as long as you wanted it, so whenever there is a flaw or bad things happen don hold onto it instead let it go by quickly. Pick yourself up and walk on bearing in mind what you have gone through. Only then you will grow stronger and the bad times will come lesser. Trust that you can do it and the belief will be rewarded by your actions. What you think will be what you are going to do so think postive and everything shall work out nicely.

Lastly hereby would wish to say to everybody happy new year 2007 and may all your wishes for the new year come true.

Jimmy stop typing at 10:55 PM

Saturday, December 30, 2006
The truth

Well I just happen to read a friend's blog and feel really emotional so I decided to add another entry. First of all I would like to say about a rls I have ended some time ago when I am in australia. Perhaps ya it is right the time we met and the time to start is really really a bad time, so this girl I have some feelings back some years ago I decided to start a new rls with her in hoping that we can go through these together. I even told her all my dark secets that even whoever is closest to me also have no idea about. I am prepared to tell her that of cause is believing that she is the one for me. I did all I could but she is never happy about my actions. I admit when she say must alway chat and send messages, I really find it a hassle not that I don care about her, I just don feel the need to everyday. My style is perhaps like this, I will still keep in contact don worry I won't go missing but if you keep on wanting to chat and chat I of course would run out of topics be it who the person is. I don have alot of things to say also it my feelings I think as long as I have her in my heart is alright already isn't it. In my last entry I mention about air ticket notice the difference now as I would add in more details. One question she got in her mind is why I never bother to try booking hard for an air ticket to go back in december. Is really cash that important to me compare to the love of hers? The answer to this question why I avoided it and even in the end result in breaking up is because I wanted to give her a suprise. The air ticket booked on 26 jan 2007 is meant to be mi appearing at her doorstep while we are still together with perhaps my ideal dream of having flowers in my hand to give to her. There are alot of things I never wanted to explain it is not because I don care or I don want to, it is because I only meant it to be something suprising outcome for her. As I only say and I really don want to just say only I want to show some actions but how am I going to show when we are so far apart? Anyway it doesn't matter anymore but perhaps some things are still best explain. I say this is not out to make her feel sad or what. I say this out to express my feelings on this, as I said before she has found herself a new bf already. I don think time is an issue here what matters is how you feel towards each other. This post is not out to make anyone feel sad or guilty or anything. If you are reading this please don feel you owe me something or you have let me down. I have choosen to let you go also, since you have already made your choice then go by your choice. I really wish to see you happy, I know the times we are together it is really stressful beside I only make you cry so perhaps there is someone better out there to take care of you. You have already found it and really glad for that. You shall have my blessing on these, and don have to worry about anyone views on this. Feelings no one can control just promise me to stay happy as you are and never have any regrets. The angel you have found have better to treat you good, if not one day I shall be the first to ask him why but I guess that day won't be coming from what I see he is really good to you. Remember that no one is hurt through this and everyone should be happy right? I really wish you two all the best. After knowing the truth perhaps it is also right for me to explain the truth up there. That is all don worry it nothing against you two so I must stress on this point. Remember to stay happy always.

Jimmy stop typing at 8:01 PM

Today went to a friend's house play lan craft on warcraft 3 maps. The maps we play is dota and battleships. Well went with my cousin also, and my cousin team up with me only in dota to play with another group of guys. I think perhaps they are new to the game so we give them handicapped. We only two person in one team and they have 5 person in one team. We still manage to win them. As I said before, they are relatively new that why we manage to trash them even at the extend when we go vs with them 5 we still manage to get double kill or triple kill. After that we try a map they have played before battleships. Well it using of ships to battle like dota but then you don control heroes you control ships. Got interesting quests to do and earn exp and gold if you do it you will be richer than the others. The quest is time consuming so if you do quests then you can only support your teams mates by giving them money to help them buy better weapons or better ships. The outcome, got win and lose we also play vs maps eh perhaps too long never play liao become rusty and I also not very good at that so lose lor.

Spend whole day at his place until dinner then go back reach home already 8 plus already. Finish dinner went back to my room dl death note 12 finally it out. It becoming more and more intense, how I wish it could come out everyday haha. Yesterday I do a search on youtube happen to come across this funny clip. It is talking about CDPRO in hokkien, and it is not the andy lau internal affairs clips it taken from yet another show. They make it super funny espically the second and third clips I can't stop laughing. It would be best if you understand hokkien as mostly hokkien language espically crude words are super funny. I shall upload some of the clips here.

This part 1

This is part 2

This is part 3

This is part 4

This is part 5

This is part 6

Enjoy laughing then it is really damn funny.

Tag replis:

Fai: I know it is really nice, but you got the whole series already ar ? I though haven't fnish ? Anyway thanks I shall get it from you when I am back.

Jimmy stop typing at 7:25 PM

Friday, December 29, 2006
Just a feeling

Well it nearing the end of the year 2 more days and we will be in 2007 already. Counting the days past, I wonder what have I really achieved this year. I don know also still getting to somewhere I hope. Well read a friend's blog glad and happy for her that she found herself a bf already. Perhaps girls are alway easier to find another bf to care for her. Even though she just fallen out from one not long ago. What can I say hmm only to say congrats to them and wish them all the best.

Today went to get my air ticket yeah and finally it is fixed I shall be back on the 26th of jan 2007 to 25 feb 2007 wooohooooooo finally I can go back for chinese new year so so happy I guess no words I can find now to describle how I feel. Going back on a friday one day right after my exams haha see you guys back then.

Oh ya been reading naruto manga I must say it getting more and more exciting just when is the anime going to switch back on track with the manga. According to gui the anime will go back on the feb well really looking forward to that. Last time there is this DS game call jump super stars whereby they combine alot of manga charactors in the game where you can use them to fight each other. The series include death note, naruto, yu gi oh. Those that are fightable will be use as charactor to fight as for those like death note the charactors will be out for support only. Anyway back to the point why I said so is because there is an improvement to the game they came out jump ultimate stars whereby they add in more manga charactors like from slam dunk, captain tubussa, and also improved charactors for the series like naruto since it is still drawing they mange to include the latest naruto improvements like when he got 3 tails and lastly 4 tails included inside you can use them to fight. Sasuke also improve they have him as in the manga the improved version after training with orichimaru that is also why make me want to go chase back the manga. Haha quite strong for sasuke and I must say he is a realy cheater. I think jeff if you are reading this go and dl the game and play now every thing is so much more simpler than last time. Now really looking forward to Final Fantasy VI for DS coming out next year in feb, Zelda DS not sure when would it be released but hope it is soon. Phoneix Wright 2 even though I have played before now playing again I still can get struck haha perhaps I really should read the guide again. Looking forward for wii to stable and most probably will buy it next year when it is stable to PS 3. Even though PS 3 is so much better in terms of grapics and performance but I think nintendo wii has much nicer games. People reading this will surely come up with this idea why not buy bot of them PS 3 and wii as a matter of fact I am not printing money or have an inifinite gold mine hiding in my house somewhere so I don have money for both.

Lastly lately I been doing some thinking on my life, every year I alway wish for the same wish yet it never seems to be fullfilled. Well perhaps I never put in effort to show my sincerity to my motherly god. I still hope maybe my wish would come true, whatever it takes be it be vegetrain I also will do haha. Perhaps it me is the problem the wish didn't get granted must have a reason behind. I believe there is a cause and effect so perhaps I am reaping effects arise from the cause from before. Anyway my new year wish is still early to say, perhaps I shall post it on my last entry on the last day of this month which means the last entry of the year 2006.

Tag replies:

Gui: Hell rider ? haha perhaps I really don understand what you trying to say here pehaps you can rephase or explain clearer

Fai: As I know of you for so long, you are so interested in PSP alway saying it is so much better than DS. I guess buying you a DS will result it kept away at one corner haha anyway shall be waiting for your treat next year hopefully I would be back by then.

Jimmy stop typing at 6:41 PM

Saturday, December 23, 2006
Some things are just meant to be......

Well it really been so long that I update this site, alot of people is asking why you not updating perhaps the question should be ask where to start? Well I guess shall start with the break up with my gf, as a matter of fact perhaps we really aren't meant for each other, even though how much I would yearn this to work out but still if you force to hatch an egg without a hen still it won't hatch into a chick. I guess it best we stay this way may she found her happiness one day. As for me perhaps it best I am left like this, I wonder is it because of me or is it she that make me realise that being a bf you must really give in alot of things. I use to think that relationship, isn't it alway so simple ? Why must people complicate things now then I finally understand the logic behind. Perhaps I am not a good bf, perhaps I really don know how to love or perhaps I only know how to advise people when it comes to own problems I am at a loss. Seriously I been thinking is it really I never been doing my job as a bf ? Anyway it over let just leave it as it is, perhaps some things are just meant to be.

Tomorrow is christmas eve, counting the days I been here I must say time really passes very fast here in sydney. I don undertand why also haha perhaps it a good thing faster come faster go then I can faster go back reunite with my friends in singapore. The though of staying here perhaps is not so strong anymore basically it is good here no distraction but I can't bear my friends my family in singapore I think most importantly the food in singapore is so much nicer than here. If hungry int he middle of the night can go out buy food but if you are hungry in the middle of the night here in australia I can tell you go to sleep or drink more water perhaps it can ease your hunger.

Oh ya recently bought two new games in australia, an original game of battlefield 2142 cost me $68 aussie dollars conver to singapore will be roughly $83 quite expensive though but then can play with them online ya it worth it somemore I believe the game can be traded back to the store so if the fever dies down I will go trade it back see how the system work ba. Another game is CSI dark motives this game cost me roughly $19.85 aussie dollars roughly will be about $24 singapore dollars so still quite worth it haha. Not bad the game quite interesting maybe can lend to friends when I go back to singapore.

Fai birthday happens to be yesterday 22th of december well what he hopes for is a PSP for his birthday I must say it quite expensive yet to buy perhaps if he don mind can consider buying him a DS console instead wahahah perhaps to welcome him into the nitendo family. What I mostly interested in would be the wii pronounce as we however according to jeff the system is still unstable wait till the second batch then buy if not I should have own one now in sydney haha. Lastly happy belated birthday to fai and may his dreams come true.

Tag replies:

To nic : Thank you so much for alway encourging me really appreciate it though it still never work out. Well you take care of yourself too and have a nice day always.

To khas: Well I must say sydney is not bad, if we can minus away the littering part it would be beautiful. Even though it quite boring here as there is not much entertainment and also they closes early as early as 6pm or 7pm. I must say there is no night activity. Drinking perhaps got but I don drink so I really don know haha anyway how about you ? Must be also enjoying your school life right?

Jimmy stop typing at 5:58 PM


Welcome to my life story

The time


Name: Jimmy Lim

Status: single

Birth place: Singapore

Current location: Australia sydney


Friend's blog

[Evil Gui]

[Evil Gui 2nd]















[Sze 1]

[Sze 2]



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