Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Exams ended on 25th of jan

Finally exams ended on that day and feel so lazy to write my blog hence late update. Well nothing in particular happening, just another boring day as time goes by. Busy playing yugioh ds quite interesting, hoping to get the best of cards those which I posseses in my hands now. Level still so low can't get it I guess.

When will there be something interesting happening in my life, seems so dull and no colour. Who would come and paint some colour? I really wish that would happen. Haha maybe living in fantasy or dream world might make it come true.

Yesterday is alex birthday, well wish him happy birthday and all the best to him hopefully he can have his wishes granted. I don know though just hope that his birthday wish would come true.

Jimmy stop typing at 6:27 PM

Thursday, January 18, 2007
The though of moving

Today only have accounting tutorial and no more management lecture. The last lecture conducted was last week. Went to library study finance and econ with a friend. Nothing much actually today after school went home, the first thing my aunt asked me about what time I slept yesterday. I told her 12 to 1 am. She like don believe me and even question me about a phone call last night. I didn't answer any phone call last night and I really sleep early, I told her this but she like still don believe me. She even commented she don't want me to be a bad example to her children.

Well nothing much to comment on that, if she really think that way perhaps I really also feel the place here is not really suitable for me. Just when I though something good is going to happen this happened. Should I say I am relieved that I finally got an excuse to move ? Or should I be sad anyway it doesn't matter anymore. I shall discuss this again with my family see what verdict they can come up to.

Tag replies:

To evilgui: Well perhaps it really is not what you think I am haha . Really I help both genders.

Jimmy stop typing at 3:19 PM

Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Gain a new piece of information

"If we could teach you accounting in one lecture, we will do it" -John Tyler

Today accounting lecture, john the most humorous lecturer we have, today said the above. Well basically because this is the last lecture and all the pervious lecture he never see alot of students but today last lecture he saw alot of people who perviously never come to lecture. So he said that, as to why they all appeared not because it is the last lecture it is because he is giving us the format of the exam paper next week and also telling us what are the key points to study about. Thanks to him roughly have an idea of what to study for next week tuesday.

After class went for a drink of coffee with ryan, cassie and also nikki. Nothing much was chatting about movies, and ryan was chatting with cassie. Then we went for our last acad lesson hand up out last essay and that it wohoooo finally we are done seeing her. I think should be able to pass this acad if not surely she is going to get complain I am sure of that. After ACAD lesson, jacinth, nikkie ryan and cassie was downstairs loittering around the corridor. So join in the chat and interestingly found out some piece of so call good news. A friend of mine got attached, and very interestingly she told me herself she won't want to find a boyfriend here, guess her fate is here sooner than she has though to resist. And all resistance is furtile well all I could say is wish them all the best. Looks like have to keep a distance from her already, will still be friend that is for sure.

Tag replies:

To evilgui: Well evil gui looks like you don understand me well enough, I help both genders alright, be it guy or gal. Gays and lesbians are also welcome I don reject anyone come asking for help from me.

To guni: Drill hard on the econs right I understand don worry I will drill myself hard on that lol.

Jimmy stop typing at 5:32 PM

Monday, January 15, 2007
Teaching econs

"I went to library teach a friend economics" -iori82
"Oh can teach people is she a chio bu?" -evil gui

Well today went to school library to teach a friend macroeconomics. You all would surely be thinking that person must be a gal. As you can see from the conversation above evil gui already guessed it a gal. Hmm asking him why would he guess that he told me because it me. Hello am I that sort only help girls out ? I also do help guys out one ok haha. Anyway today teaching perhaps also enhance on my understanding of the subject. Hopefully I didn't pass her the wrong information and wish her the best for tomorrow quiz, mine is on the wednesday. The whole afternoon was teaching her the concept and how to calculate the questions.

Before I go to library, my bag snapped some days ago, I decided to buy a new bag and so I got it then went to library. Upon reaching the library saw jacinth and the indian guy I sort of never catch his name. They were smoking outside and so when I reached they ask me how come I am here. So I tell them I coming to teach a friend econs, they was like oh it is it susan ? Eh haha susan is the girl sort of alway together because we take the same railway line. Well I said not her it another gal from another class. Then they ok and then they ask can ask me if they got problem too haha. Eh not that I am saying I am very good, just happen to understand some of the concepts. So I don mind helping them but then they also never ask me much questions. Having a sore throat really sucks , was teaching her and most of the time she is like hearing my clearing my throat and that really really is not very nice.

Lastly reach home around 7.30 then bath and take a break playing yugioh until gui message me and started the conversation above. All the best to everyone who is taking the quiz and exams next week.

Jimmy stop typing at 7:40 PM

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Hmm I think the weather is too hot yesterday and never drink enough water resulting my head very heavy and feeling headache. Or perhaps it the coffee that I drink and the side effects kick in. Anyway today wake up at 9.30am, after eating breakfast play abit of yugioh and it lunch time already. After eating lunch eyes really feel very heavy so went to sleep until 4.30 then wake up. First thing I checked my phone and I though wah it 7 already so fast. Then I think perhaps I am still in a dizzy state that 4.30 is the actual time here I though it singapore time so I add another 3 hours.

Anyway studied econs and do some acad editting, perhaps will start doing some accounting tomorrow. Econs is abit confusing but then I think I should have grab the idea already. Hopefully I am not thinking in the wrong way. The quiz next week should be able to tell how far I know of this marcoeconomics. Nothing much to say today nothing much interesting to say tomorrow will be going temple again.

Tag replies:

The tags are accidentally deleted away feel so sad, all my pervious tags all gone. Anyway it shall be a new start then.

To gui: "Thanks" you hor for saying your truthful words, well as a matter of fact I never hold in poly doesn't mean I never hold before in other stages of my life hor haha. I shall prove it to you I can do it again.

Jimmy stop typing at 7:48 PM

Friday, January 12, 2007
Miss an entry

"Why are you home on a friday night?" -Dawn

Opps initially wanted to blog every day but I miss an entry yesterday haha perhaps I was too busy doing my finance work that I forgot to blog. Anyway today finance tutorial also nothing much interesting but our tutor tell us one interesting fact that in determining guys whether are you blod or not would have to see on the mother's father genes instead of the father of the guy. Hmm interesting facts and this tutor he is really like know alot of stuffs quite glad we manage to have him as our tutor and in lecture.

Been playing yugioh gx DS and even tried online playing with someone well basically just started out my deck so not much of a fight, would try to build up a more stronger deck before I go play online again. Waiting for some interesting games to ocme out like zelda, final fantasy vi a real classic but nice game been remake into ps 1, was on snes and now gba. Anyway a friend of mine ask me this question: "Why are you home on a friday night ?" Hmm I guess the question should be asking why is the shop closing early and besides I want to go out also with who no one else is here, my class mates eh perhaps they don go out much.

Lastly exam are around the corner and would try my very best to perform hopefully I won't let myself down and I really hope I can score high cuz that kind of feeling to be holding a distinction in my hands I have lost it for a very long time.

Jimmy stop typing at 8:38 PM

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

"What kind of girls do you like jimmy ?" - by nikki mcmasters

Oh man today in a rush to go out forgot to bring my finance lecture notes along. I though I remember clearly I put it in my book last night, oh well must be I make a mistake. Anyway still manage to copied down the notes and now copying into the lecture notes. Just finish accounting homework not long ago now doing finance. Lucky tomorrow is afternoon lesson so it isn't that bad, would be going to sleep after I do some of my finance homework.

Nothing much to say just another normal boring day just waiting for my doomsday to come. Anyway a classmate of mine ask me this question, what kind of girls do you like jimmy ? Oh well so sudden struck me this question haha well can't really describle out to her so I just point out one girl who was in the lecture hall. Then she was like oh you like quiet girls, well according to her because when she tried talking to the girl I pointed out to, she never answer much to my friend's question. Asking her a question would end up with a single answer back so my friend concluded that she is a quiet girl. Haha then we discuss on this topic for some time they even ask me why don't I go after her haha. Well not really interested in her just saying she is my type of girl that is all besides I don think I am her type. The girl who ask me that question is nikki a local girl studying with us. She is quite a nice and caring girl, she even help me print out my assignment oh well really own her one. Would try to treat her to something one day.

Lastly whoever is reading my post now, hope you enjoy your day and oh ya thanks for wishing me good luck for my exams on the coming 22nd.

Jimmy stop typing at 9:52 PM

Tuesday, January 09, 2007
A tiring day

Well today went to school for this accounting lecture and acad . Seriously speaking I really hate this acad it a waste of time, plus the tutor is very bias and also not very good. Compare to other classes, who do the same module, they wrote rubbish yet they get you know very high, where esle ours she is like very strict and give very low marks. This is really really unfair anyway it ending soon and ya don ever let me meet her again. It just our luck really damn suay to have such a bad tutor.

Today went to student services and enquire about the re-enrollment, sadly to say that person I speak to no matter what I say she just say no cannot you must be present. No one can help you or do it online, please come to this venue for re-enrollment if not you miss the date you will get a penatly of 500 aussie dollars. Oh man this really sucks, therefor no choice cancel the flight to singapore. Sorry guys I really want to come back but I guess fate just don want me back in singapore yet. Let look forward to june I am really really sure I will be back by then.

Sigh there goes the plan of playing mj with gui at friday night, there goes the plan of meeting my primary school friends, my other friends who I planned to meetup. Really really sorry when I come back will compensate you all. And ya fai , crystal you two have you wait another five more months before we can go eat the raman again. Really miss those days of eating that, and the rest really miss those days of playing mj, playing games, playing bb. I wish I could be in singapore now instead of staying here. Now thinking back really quite regretful for being so playful if not I would be in singapore now sigh what is past we can't do anything however I will do what I can now for the future.

Tag replies:

To Jeff: Well there is really alot of misunderstandings between us if we carry on like this guessing we can get to no where. Well it also good to clear up all those misunderstandings and hopefully it is resolved. :)

Jimmy stop typing at 6:43 PM

Monday, January 08, 2007
Birthday calculator

Birthday Calculator

6 October 1982
Your date of conception was on or about 13 January 1982 which was a Wednesday.

You were born on a Wednesday
under the astrological sign Libra.
Your Life path number is 9.

Life Path Compatibility:
You are most compatible with those with the Life Path numbers 3, 6 & 9.
You should get along well with those with the Life Path numbers 1 & 5.
You may or may not get along well with those with the Life Path numbers 2, 7 & 11.
You are least compatible with those with the Life Path numbers 4, 8 & 22.

The Julian calendar date of your birth is 2445248.5.
The golden number for 1982 is 7.
The epact number for 1982 is 5.
The year 1982 was not a leap year.

Your birthday falls into the Chinese year beginning 1/25/1982 and ending 2/12/1983.
You were born in the Chinese year of the Dog.

Your Native American Zodiac sign is Raven; your plant is Ivy.

You were born in the Egyptian month of Choiach, the fourth month of the season of Poret (Emergence - Fertile soil).

Your date of birth on the Hebrew calendar is 19 Tishri 5743.
Or if you were born after sundown then the date is 20 Tishri 5743.

The Mayan Calendar long count date of your birthday is which is
12 baktun 18 katun 9 tun 6 uinal 4 kin

The Hijra (Islamic Calendar) date of your birth is Wednsday, 17 Dhi'l-Hijjih 1402 (1402-12-17).

The date of Easter on your birth year was Sunday, 11 April 1982.
The date of Orthodox Easter on your birth year was Sunday, 18 April 1982.
The date of Ash Wednesday (the first day of Lent) on your birth year was Wednesday 24 February 1982.
The date of Whitsun (Pentecost Sunday) in the year of your birth was Sunday 30 May 1982.
The date of Whisuntide in the year of your birth was Sunday 6 June 1982.
The date of Rosh Hashanah in the year of your birth was Saturday, 18 September 1982.
The date of Passover in the year of your birth was Thursday, 8 April 1982.
The date of Mardi Gras on your birth year was Tuesday 23 February 1982.

As of 1/8/2007 12:34:02 AM EST
You are 24 years old.
You are 291 months old.
You are 1,266 weeks old.
You are 8,860 days old.
You are 212,640 hours old.
You are 12,758,434 minutes old.
You are 765,506,042 seconds old.

Celebrities who share your birthday:
Taylor Hicks (1976) Janet Gaynor (1906) Amy Jo Johnson (1970)
Elisabeth Shue (1963) Britt Ekland (1942) Carole Lombard (1908)
Le Corbusier (1887) George Westinghouse (1846)

Top songs of 1982
I Love Rock `n' Roll by Joan Jett & the Blackhearts Eye of the Tiger by Survivor
Ebony and Ivory by Paul McCartney & Stevie Wonder Centerfold by J. Geils Band
Maneater by Daryl Hall & John Oates Jack & Diane by John Cougar
Don't You Want Me by Human League Up Where We Belong by Joe Cocker & Jennifer Warnes
Abracadabra by Steve Miller Band Hard to Say I'm Sorry by Chicago

Your age is the equivalent of a dog that is 3.46771037181996 years old. (Life's just a big chewy bone for you!)

There are 271 days till your next birthday
on which your cake will have 25 candles.

Those 25 candles produce 25 BTUs,
or 6,300 calories of heat (that's only 6.3000 food Calories!) .
You can boil 2.86 US ounces of water with that many candles.

In 1982 there were approximately 3.6 million births in the US.
In 1982 the US population was approximately 226,545,805 people, 64.0 persons per square mile.
In 1982 in the US there were 2,495,000 marriages (10.8%) and 1,180,000 divorces (5.1%)
In 1982 in the US there were approximately 1,990,000 deaths (8.8 per 1000)
In the US a new person is born approximately every 8 seconds.
In the US one person dies approximately every 12 seconds.

In 1982 the population of Australia was approximately 15,288,891.
In 1982 there were approximately 239,903 births in Australia.
In 1982 in Australia there were approximately 117,274 marriages and 44,088 divorces.
In 1982 in Australia there were approximately 114,771 deaths.

Your birthstone is Tourmaline

The Mystical properties of Tourmaline

Pink Tourmaline promotes female balance and protection. Green Toumaline promotes male balance.
Some lists consider these stones to be your birthstone. (Birthstone lists come from Jewelers, Tibet, Ayurvedic Indian medicine, and other sources)

Opal, Jasper

Your birth tree is

Rowan, the Sensitivity
Full of charm, cheerful, gifted, without egoism, likes to draw attention, loves life, motion, unrest and even complications, is both dependent and independent, good taste, artistic, passionate, emotional, good company, does not forgive.

There are 351 days till Christmas 2007!
There are 364 days till Orthodox Christmas!

The moon's phase on the day you were
born was waning gibbous.

Well happen to see this on a friend's blog decided to try.

A very big thank you khas.

You all can go to the birthday calculator link above at the top to check for your own. Do tell me if you take it because I want to know too.

Well I hopefully everything is resolved, don think too much ok stay happy and all the best.

Jimmy stop typing at 1:38 PM

Well I am not pointing at anyone's finger here, but then if you want to think that way I have nothing much to say. I never distort anything, I merely just point out some facts I observe that is all. I didn't imply or say thing to the others suggesting jeff is gulity or something. However when first saw him,which is yesterday a simple hi and where have you been up to. He give me this reply I don know how to explain to you? This sentence means what ? I never even ask him for an explaination then he come up with that. Did I demand an explanation jeff you ask yourself clearly. I from the start never ask you for anything to explain yourself then yesterday you finally appeared. I just merely say hi to you and you first thing come to mind want to explain this and that why ? Only then I find it strange so finally give you a call wanting to clear this up once and for all. But What do I get? I don think I need to explain here right, you say you will sort out everything then get back to us. I never point my finger at you saying hey you are the one who did this and that that result in my rls to break up. Linda you want to say I didn't do this and that I never treasure you fine but then why a simple explanation from him must take so long to explain? Why must he tell me there are other implications? Get the point ? I not blaming anyone for my spoiled rls, I never was. I know what I am into so if you really feel that I am distorting anything, then you better ask jeff what I asked him about. I must stress this point, since new year he give me a message after that I no longer see him until yesterday. So tell me what makes you think I am saying he is the third party in the rls ? I never never say anything like he is the third party, don believe you can go ask the rest of the guys. This issue is really bothering me. Why do I even bother to post this is not to let you think I am blaming anyone for the spoiled rls. I don think I need to explain further, if you still can't get what I am thinking then I really have to say nothing much I can say on this. If jeff is really stress over this, tell him don be I never intended to isolate him or anything. The rest think what; I never at any of my part influence them to think, ask jeff why he don't even come to msn. He been missing for so long and yet when you come back he just tell you whatever he think is correct. But did he bother to come online and chat with the rest? No he didn't why ? I don know why. So just don because you don know anything don't assume I am spreading causing and making you all feel miserable. The rest never had a chance to speak to him ever since this incident happened. He never come at all, I don know is he avoiding me or not, so I just ask him are you avoiding me ? That is all, I find it strange, very long never see him and the rest too. Yet he think that way nothing much I want to say already if you still don believe me fine think what you like. I also have enough of this, I never intend to lose this friend, however he on his part never even bothered to come back contact with us. Yet when you come back first thing he say to you we suspect him as being the third party. Why can't he come online and chat with the rest and clear himself up if he really feels that way. Why don he come and ask what is happening first before he jump to conclusions ? Really sad linda even though we never was meant to be together but you should know at lease am I the sort going around spreading nonsense or rumors ? I am not suggesting he is but I think he think too much get himself so stress up for what ? No one is blaming him or anything, yet he think I am blaming him and telling the rest. I have already explained believe it or not up to you two. The problem should't be so complicated why it become complicated I also would want to know. Trust me I never never point my finger on him saying he is the third party, that all I have to got to say. After this post whatever you posted, I would not responded I find it meaningless to carry on this matter. I don wish to let you all think I am so sad of the rls that ended and hence if you with who I will blame whoever is with you. I am not that insensible, I understand the feelings one has. If we are not meant to be together then if you have found him I would be more than galdly happy for you. Do you get my point? So I presume after this post you would have a clearer view of my thinking and hope it solve your problems too.

Jimmy stop typing at 8:09 AM

Sunday, January 07, 2007
An overseas call to jeff

As suggest in the title I made an overseas call to jeff and chat with him about the situation we are in. Well ask him alot of questions but didn't really manage to get an answer out from him. Anyway shall wait till he is ready to answer my questions.

Morning went to temple and before the master talks I though I would be very engertic to listen to her wisdom but just when she started her speech my eye lids don know why suddenly become so heavy and hence I can't fight against my sleeplyness and fall asleep. Well kind of embrasssed after all she is giving her wisdom out. Even though I was sleeping I still manage to caught some of the things she said. Well deeply understand her points and will keep in mind what she has said today. After eating lunch play a game of yugioh with some kids in temple, well even kids almost can defeat me I guess I must really review on my cards and strategy.

Oh ya today went through all my pervious post and I remembered about quote of the day. Well I removed it from since 2006. Read back all my postes really bring back memories and make me realise how time flies, from the time of army to now all those that happen 2 years ago is just like yesterday just happened. Well today perhaps I will add in code of the day only for today.

Lastly yan got himself a new specs, I guess he play ff 12 too engrossed untill his eye degrees increases. Well yan it time to take a break and come back and chat with us haha. Just kidding enjoy your ff 12 then. Well it kind of fun heard from gui and look at yan's playing I guess it really is addictive. Wait till I go back get my hands on that.

Quote of the day: To be sitting down and shaking leg, one must have attain a very high postion in place of the company if not he is just waiting for death.

Jimmy stop typing at 8:16 PM

Saturday, January 06, 2007
A boring sat

Well today basically been sleeping, not much of doing any work due to the fact that last night was chatting throughout with alex on the skype. We chatted to this morning 5am singapore time and my time would be 8am. Haha discuss alot of stuffs like the days of hardship we went through of the ns experience and discuss of life. Talking about games, issues we discussed are confidential so haha won't disclose of any here. I must say a very big thank you to alex, for companying me to chat to this morning. Alex you are alway the best, whenever I have any problems confide with you I surely would feel better.

After the chat, my auntie like quite angry in the morning I have no idea and then she ask why I never sleep and say it is an action that shouldn't be done. So she is restricting the time usage of internet hai. Anyway I would try to sleep early tonight then. Yesterday while chatting with alex fai come in skype and give me a call due to the call I have with alex so I never pick up and reply to him saying that I on phone with alex. After that wanted to ask him more questions he gone offline perhaps he is busy ba. Fai a very nice, friendly and funny guy my secondary school classmate since secondary school sec 1. Really glad I sit beside him and get to know such a good friend currently studying at NTU.

Crystal is fai's uni classmate both are equally tall and quite compartable for each other. I wonder what is stopping them from being together, it really is a sad thing to see two compartable person and they have feelings for each other but still not together. Anyway can't comment much it their decision, just would like to wish them all the best hopefully when I come back I could get to hear what I would like to hear. She is a very kind and good person and further more she is very sharp well, a very worthy friend to befriend with. Thanks for listening to my grumbles and your patience to listen to my stories. Really appreciate that well really hopefully fate is allowing me to go back.

Alex got to know him in secondary school sec 2, a transfer student from CCKSS. Well initally not very close to him I think towards the middle or end of year then quite close to him. Alex a low profile guy but a very clever guy, practically never study and still can get As for his exams I really think he is a genius haha currently studying in NUS. A genius with no proudness, no arrogrant and no attutide that is unless you go provoke him until he really cannot take it then his attutide will show trust me no one would want to see that part.

Evil gui a guy who brough into our circle by another friend and that friend is not in our circle already. Anyway a really friendly,nice,funny and caring person. After knowing what has happened tried to hide the truth so as to protect over me scare I will feel hurt. Thank you for your concern and concealment really appreicate it.

Gunizui a very good and humorous guy, get to know him in sec 2 also another transfer student but I don remember where. After knowing what happened tried talking to me and console me and also try to make me feel less sad. Worried over me and also don wish I anyhow think.

I am really glad I have such friends above all so concern over me, scare that I cannot take it. Blessed so much perhaps god is fair to everyone, he never grant me one thing but he grant me alot of others. For that one thing pehaps it is in waiting to come poping out from somewhere. I wish good luck can befall on them and all the best in whatever they do.

Tag replies:

To gui: Come on you are loved by everyone, when you are put into that category means you are loved. Well maybe this is not the love you seeking for but then you know true love is not easy to find. But don worry you still have us, we can't give you the love you looking for but then you can have our support from behind you.

Jimmy stop typing at 9:07 PM

Friday, January 05, 2007
Another boring day

Today have a finance tutorial in the morning 9 to 11 and follow by econ lecture 11 to 1 pm. School end at 1pm yeah I like fridays end early and mondays no school; today super damn tiring nearly doze off in econ lecture. Today finance tutorial tutor mention to us that perhaps alot of people would like to come and make friends with us be prepared to leave e-mail behind. He says this is because this class 9am one alway do his homework, hand in work on time compare to other tutorial groups he has, he find us is the best, and also due to the fact that the semster is ending soon. Haha we all think he is being sacartisc but this tutor out of the rest I personally feel he is the best. He teaches maybe boring but as you get to know him better you will find that actually he is a really nice and dedicated guy. Sometimes he will joke with us too a very good financial tutor maybe he is not very suited to be a lecturer but nvm he is still the best. Then follow by econs lecture today, finally get to know what is marco is about. The past two lectures was like so lost today finally get a bit of understanding revise more I should be able to get it.

After that go eat lunch and go home sleep so tired man now two more weeks and it going to be exam already so fast, not very prepared though perhaps will start a bit of revision tomorrow. Today I forgot to do one thing to go to student service centre and ask about the stuffs. Looks like have to drag to next week and see how well if this carries on perhaps I will be going back to singapore sooner than I though haha.
Oh ya recently been playing back neopets thanks to my cousin who played it and revive me to play it again. So long never play already when playing back they have added alot of new stuffs, new worlds and new games. Well it sort of childish but haha who cares it the games I am after inside.

Tag replies:

To sweetamy85: Yeah thanks I also like death note, before this movie and anime I read the comic. Though it kind of short it ended at book 13 but still find this story not bad, now got anime and movies I would want to watch it. And ya my life kind of sucky now alot of things happen read my pervious post you will understand why. Thanks for coming in though it been a long time since I last saw you in here.

Jimmy stop typing at 9:08 PM

Thursday, January 04, 2007
Accounting presentation

Today had my accounting presentation, initally was quite nervous but when it really started I am quite alright with it. Although I am not very sure whether my presentation got do well or not, since my tutor never comment much hai I guess must be quite badly done. Anyway bought chocolates for the whole class, two packets and it was all given away I only manage to have one to bite. Give two to the tutor hopefully can earn good marks for my presentation. I never go ask I guess just leave it as it is.

Oh ya the prepost presentation well went to buy chocolate at paddy's market, and get my friend a perfume. Total cost me about 70 dollars in total 59 for the perfume and 11 for the chocolates. Now I am almost broke already anyway still can survive until I go back to singapore. Today never have the chance to go ask, tomorrow after school end at 1 I would go down and ask whether the re-enrollment would need to go down personally or not if possible use internet to register the I can fly back to singapoe already.

Well one big news, my third sister is getting married. I only know it today she having her ROM on the 24th of january. I only come back 2 days later due to exam hopefully she can change the date to 2 days later then I can make it in time haha. Don have the chance to chat with her yet, when got would suggest to her see is it possible. This good news sort of revive the though of going back but still maybe it is still not strong enough. Hai how I wish all what has happened is just a dream, a really really bad nightmare; wake up and that is the end however easier said than done. Everyone understands how I feel, I am really glad I have you friends around. Well even my uni classmates get to know this tried to console me. One of them said this well studies is still the most important thing, given it up then you won't even survive let alone such trival matters of love to be bothered of. Ya studies is afterall the most important, I still have my dreams my company well just a dream hopefully I can really have one out. Another of my uni classmate the one I give present to although she never give much good advise but she asked why I never chat with her about this when it happened in msn? Well I guess this question is the thoughs that counts even though not so closed but can see she is quite a caring person but I guess she don know how to console people. The way she say things like so not serious haha anyway I still quite touched when she said that why don you chat with me on this. It like firstly never get to see her online secondly not very close. Anyway thank you so much to everyone who is around me. I am blesssed in a way so afterall I think I can still raise my head and put on a smile to brace whatever more is coming because I believed I have you all to support me from behind.

Tag replies:

To Tinkerbell: Thank you however don know how I flare hopefully it is really not that bad as I think it is.

Jimmy stop typing at 8:19 PM

Wednesday, January 03, 2007
God of luck

Well today did my management test, although god luck was smiling at me but still I never did grab the chance to perform as what I expected I would do of. Today test got 7.3 out of 10 quite badly done I must say because the essay question I got 2.5 out of 5 only. According to him I miss the point so perhaps I did talk about the point but I elborate it in a wrong way. Hai I was hoping question 2 come out and it did but then hai I just hai never manage to score. One person manage to score 10 out of 10 and arhhhh really really don feel good anyway it over I am done with management I think should be able to get a decent credit or luck is with me I might get a distinction.

Gui told me to read his post, as I did read it and I must say the story he wrote is somehow similiar however it quite different to what I have encountered. There are alot of things you don understand, it is not so easy as you though. It is really complicated even up to now I am still quite confused just that I don wish to think anymore. I also wish these issues are over and done with no point still holding onto it. Your friend he might be died or might not be we all don know, perhaps he has recovered and walk on his life. In life there are so many things so many decisions to make. Who can actually come up and say hey your decision is not right, hey you should follow the social norms and you shouldn't do this and that. Even a robber wants to rob a bank we know that is bad conduct but we can't possibly run towards him and say hey stop that you will get caught and sent to jail. Do you think he will care and stop and listen to you and actually turn from a robbter become a good guy? No one is perfect, when one makes a decision I believe one would understand what is the consequences of the decision. Your friend did what he believe in, he despite of his health go aganist all odds just to see her. This shows how much he just cares for her but at the same time we know it is at the expense of his health. After when totally he has given up on his life he no longer cares about anything more. Frankly speaking there was a time I though of that, but still I manage to survive through. I been through worst of times and I think this is not in any way worst than what I have encountered before. If I want to use a word to decrible how I feel it would only be disappointing. After this incident it really widen my sight and thoughs also made me realise some points in life. Perhaps this is an experience for me to go through after this gain I think I have leveled up and hence I will be stronger. Anyway thanks for writting your story and frankly speaking I don have the excited mood to go back anymore. After I have confirm somethings then I will decide whether to cancel off my flight back to singapore. I will surely keep you all informed don worry some things refers to some school stuffs. If it can be settled most probably I won't be canceling the flight. Let see how fate has for me, if I am not meant to be back then I am not. Destiny is in control of your own hands according to gunizui ya I agreed but then you can fight as hard as you want, maybe it can really work but then if everything is already written and place infront of you, no matter what route you take eventually you will still be lead back to that route.

Lastly tomorrow got accounting presentation I though it was going to be tough but lucky it is not. Last year 24th of december was one of my uni friend's birthday well didn't actually buy anything for her. Perhaps tomorrow my presentation I would get something for her. Since I would also be buying some chocolates for people who answered my questions. Wish me all the best .............

Jimmy stop typing at 8:02 PM

Tuesday, January 02, 2007
Management test

Tomorrow is my management test straight after school reopen got a mgt test so sianz, still mugging for the test. The essay question is kind of hard, as mostly you have to think about it yourself and you can get information from the book even though you try to memorise also won't be much use as you need to explain the things mostly as in the books won't provide you. Hopefully tomorrow would come out a question I am more familiar with.

Today nothing much happening, lately so many things have happen I beginning to get confuse and almost lost sight of myself I guess it time to pull myself back together. Facing the problem instead of running away from it. I don know what to say I just want to get over this and done with.

Trying to hide the fact I understand what your intention and quite greatful for that thanks for trying to protect me. Really blessed to have you friends around, espically thanks to alex, crystal and choonfai who go through with me together with this and also consoling me. Well really owe you guys and gal a treat when I am back let go out and have a feast. Without you people supporting me I don know I got the strenght to move on or not. Yesterday did so much thinking almost can't sleep eventually fall asleep and in the morning so legathic drag my self to school and the sky is raining. Like very chiam like that get my shoe wet, socks wet, jeans abit wet even with umbrella I am still half wet at my side I mean. A rainy day today just like my life, a stomry day arrives only then I never get to see the rainbow after it left. Anyway hopefully this storm is over and won't coming bugging me I just want to have peace that is all.

Lastly hopefully I can score good results for tomorrow mgt test, for the past 2 tests score quite well, one get 9.6/10 and the 2nd test got 10/10. The 3rd and last test can't pressurise scare can't do well. Hopefully tomorrow I am blessed with god of light.

Tag replies:

To Kene: Of course new year mah I must be efficient you know haha.

To zegui: zegui ar thanks for your concealment but next time perhaps you could use some practise from naruto. Master the art of kagebushin then you would more clones to gather up the accurate information haha.

To guni: Thanks why you never update your blog, alway go the same entries ...

Jimmy stop typing at 8:05 PM

Monday, January 01, 2007
New year 2007

The first post of the new year, well where do I start? Perhaps can star by saying this morning went to temple backyard and do some gardening. It is really quite a tiring one, the lawn mower is heavy and after going through a few rounds my hand , my back almost gone. I guess that is the effect of long time never exercise. Quite a good workout I must say haha. Today just nothing much happening just do some gardening and also some cleaning up of the temple.

School reopens tomorrow arhhh I hate that feeling however think of when the faster finish of school term I would be back in singapore the more motivated I am. Can't hope to go back to singapore faster so as to meet up with my long lost friends like very long lost already. Just now was playing BF 2142 with one of my army friend who went to usa study. Oh well maybe because he is from usa joining AU server he get to kick out quite often as a result he never get to fully play the game hai nvm perhaps next time shall join his server.

A new year must have a new look so I shall have this new blog skin here hopefully that would my blog more brighter haha. Kene as you have commented on a new blog skin here it is. How is it ? Give comments I waiting to see it hehe. Lastly 2007 let hope this year is full of good stuffs waiting to be opened or encountered I really hope so.

Tag replies:

To kene: So how this for a change, I think now is so much easier to scroll right the tag box is at the side not at the bottom anymore and it is also easier to see from the side and also thanks for visitng my blog.

To Guni: Thank you for coming in may you also have a very good year.

Jimmy stop typing at 5:55 PM


Welcome to my life story

The time


Name: Jimmy Lim

Status: single

Birth place: Singapore

Current location: Australia sydney


Friend's blog

[Evil Gui]

[Evil Gui 2nd]















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