Wednesday, February 21, 2007
LAW 305

Hands up who want to take business in UTS. You what you going to take ? -John Taggart

Finance -iori82

How much marks do you want to achieve for this LAW 305?- John Taggart

100 -nikki mcmasters

Well today have a lecture on LAW 305, John Taggart our lecturer well let just say he is a humourous guy. Firstly when he start the lecture he go around asking who going to UTS after insearch then ask who want to take business hands up. As my hand is not up so he ask me what am I going to take after insearch I go tell him finance. I though he asking what are you going to major in so that why I answer him in the end become the laughing stock in the class lol. After that he say finance is also business, be it accounting, managment all is business, then ended finance ha. Next he ask me how much mark am I going to achieve in this LAW 305, I told him I don know then he say just shoot anything. I told him pass then he give a disgusted look and say pass meaning you want to achieve 50 ? Next nikki was sitting two person away from me so he ask her how much you going to get ? Since nikki was a bit distracted due to the fact that she left something behind at downstairs and getting worriend and paranoid so when she got ask that question she answer 100. Then he was like saying wow 100, then you have to work doubly hard for it. He mention there are alot of books on LAW in the library so then he told her you better read them all to score 100 or whoever want to score 100. The tone he use and the way he said it is very funny and sacarstic haha. The next best lectuerer other than John Tyler I find very humorous and funny. Looks like all those boring modules alway have humorous lectuerer not so bad. The worst I have encountered so far accounting 305 teaching us is Peter Wells I must say he really CMI. John teaching style is so much better than him and when john crack jokes he do it with style and you will surely know it is a joke. Peter when he crack a joke he will go asking why you not laughing it is meant to be a joke. Duh we all don't even know he crack a joke lol.

Anyway chinese new year of the pig arrives on the 18th of february so fast it the year of the pig again. 12 years ago it came and go and now it 12 years later so fast getting older and older each day. Hai not that I am sad about being old hai anyway just wishing all chinese have a happy chinese new year and have a better year up ahead.

Tag replies

To seng: Perhaps you are lonely as your gf not here and your family also not around. Don be too hard at lease you still have friends around right stay happy and may you have a good year ahead.

To gui: Well haha perhaps perhaps not in poly I admit poly abit more slack that why now regret have to go overseas study so sianz. I really miss those days back in singapore. How I wish now I am studying in singapore instead of overseas.

To candy: Well you are already missed by your bf liao lor still want me to miss you meh ? Wait your good O bf come looking for me how I don want wait he come after me with his SAR 21 haha.

Jimmy stop typing at 7:14 PM

Tuesday, February 13, 2007
An old serial

当紧要关头不放弃,绝望就会变成希望 - 单均昊

在面对敌人时,不管你有没有信心,都不能够露出胆怯,相反的你要想像自己君陵天下,他看过来你要更具气势的面对让对方语塞 - 单均昊

Well just watch finish the show prince turn into a frog. Ya ya it a really long show I know I dled it some time ago but just plain too lazy to continue watching it so finally pick up the time yesterday to finish the show. Watch finish it today and I really like some of the phase so I posted it above. The name is pronounce as Shan Jun Hao, I think he really act out the charactor cool and stylish. I particulary like the seocnd phase when you are facing the enemey, it doesn't matter whether you have confidence and also cannot show your fear infront of him. On the opposite you have to think you possess greater aura, he stare at you, you have to show greater stand and debate him making him speechless.

It really meaningful and I think this is one the my favourite show, I like what he has said above and I find it quite meaningful. Usually you will show fear when you are facing the enemy and even more fearful when you know he possess a greater talent than you. Learn quite alot and quite touching the show at times rating for the show perhaps a 8 out of 10.

Tomorrow is Valentine day spend it quite differently this year, spending it with a group of friends partying then go enroll. Quite interesting eh first time I guess invited to a valentine party haha.

Tag replies:

To candy: BH means beyond hope , explain now already so when I go back don ask me again. Oh ya not sure when will be back most probably a chance in june but not confirm I also miss singapore alot of things I wish I could go back spend chinese new year but hai nvm . Quite looking forward to going back.

Jimmy stop typing at 7:19 PM

Friday, February 09, 2007
Finally results are out

Woohooo lucky me, HD just nice 85 if I got miss by one mark well I won't want to think about it haha. Econs got distinction too well so happy at lease I know I am not on the wrong track. Accounting well what can I say manage to pass is already quite happy, ACAD that irrating tutor don give us high marks well no choice just plain unlucky to have met her as our tutor. Management know it long ago and it is not exam subjects well anyway this semster is over heard the next semster would be even more diffcult looing ahead for the challenge let see how far I can stretch. And ya evil gui who says I can't make it, told you I lost the feeling now I am finding it back.

Tag replies:

To evilgui: Of course I know that game Kingdom hearts, but I am not referring to that haha. Anyway kingdom hearts 2 have you managed to defeat Sephiroth? I think there is a pattern before I go manage to find it but still not very successful.

Jimmy stop typing at 1:10 PM

Thursday, February 08, 2007
Birthday meanings

Your Birthdate: October 6

For you, love is a natural progression from friendship. You are almost always friends first.
In love, you are loyal, steady, and honest. You are not a cheater or even much of a flirt.
You are likely to stay friends with your ex... and open to rekindling something in the future.

Number of True Loves You'll Have: 4

Number of Times You'll Have Your Heart Broken: 5

You are most compatible with people born on the 6th, 15th, and 24th of the month.
What Does Your Birth Date Mean For Your Love Life?

People Envy Your Confidence

You have the attitude and self esteem to take on anything. Failure is beyond not an option for you - it doesn't even cross your mind.
People envy your ability to take on any challenge ... and they're secretly afraid you think you're better than them. You don't. You're just sure of yourself.
What Do People Envy About You?

Hmm you all can judge for yourself I guess wheather is it true or not. haha results coming out tomorrow praying hard.

Jimmy stop typing at 3:49 PM

Sunday, February 04, 2007
Some things are best left like this

Today feel very emotional so decide to leave an entry. Just now was chatting with a friend online. Oh well maybe it me or what I try to ask her out for a movie, or try asking her to go out. The replies I get is alway concern with her sister and her bf. Well not that I want to say, it like won't she feel she will be too bright I mean afterall they are couple mah. Anyway it not up to me to say I just find it strange perhaps she is trying to find an excuse to push me away. That the feeling I get anyway she is just a normal friend, just trying to ask her out for a movie doesn't mean anything but then she react so defensively which makes me kind of uneasy or let just say I won't want to try asking again. Everytime I tried asking something it like end up in failure. Am I lacking confidence or am I starting to lose the belief in myself ? I think maybe it both after all the failures I been through. I think I can conclude that some things are best left like this. I won't want to pursue anything already. I seems to be losing myself , losing my motivation everything that makes what I am seems to drift apart.

Someone once told me if you want to know what is your past life is like, look at your this life and if you want to know what is your next life going to be like look at what you are doing now. Everything has a cause and effects I also strongly believe in that perhaps I am reaping my effects which I sow some time in my past life. Nothing much can be done if it is meant to be like this then I will go through it. Anyway I will be fine afterall I survive through so many ordeals what is this one going to be. There is no way you can prevent what is coming in your path but we can be sure what can be avoided. Looking at what are your doings you would jolly well have an idea what you will be facing maybe not now but it will eventually come to you.

Quote of the day: To live without a heart is like walking bodies without a soul. A body can't survive on it own neither can the brain function without the body. Everything is connected if you want a way out then you have to see the roots of the problem.

Jimmy stop typing at 7:54 PM


Welcome to my life story

The time


Name: Jimmy Lim

Status: single

Birth place: Singapore

Current location: Australia sydney


Friend's blog

[Evil Gui]

[Evil Gui 2nd]















[Sze 1]

[Sze 2]



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