Friday, August 17, 2007
A moody day

Perhaps recently haven't been getting enough sleep been feeling very moody recently. Why is it when I though something good is going to happen , it ends up nowhere ? Perhaps I am ill fated right. Or this my retribution ? Sigh whatever it is I will still live on with a smile on my face.

Sometimes things can't really be explained, if it is so I rather be it left like that, I don want to find out anymore. Perhaps ignorance is the best, why bother to dig and dig in the end hurt my hands, hurt my feelings, hurt my every part of the body ? In case people are reading this post want to relate back to my rls back I can say this is a different matter not in any way similiar.

Why people alway like to compare this and that, compare how tall you are , how fat you are, how capable you are. Everyone has his own uniqueness that what make everyone different. If everyone is the same then compare this word won't even exist. Sigh really don know what to say already. I guess that it.

Jimmy stop typing at 5:39 PM

Wednesday, August 15, 2007
A story

There once lived a guy call Z. Z life isn't very bad or good either, his life perhaps isn't really much of a problem to him. He can say come from a well known family so basically he don lack anything but he lack one thing. That one thing he has been looking for but can't find it. He don want to use money to buy love because he believe in true love and so he will find a gal who will truely love him. One day he met this beautiful gal on the street call C. C is a poor fated girl, she wants something which all gal been wanting to have, a loving bf to love her , take care of her. However the rls she been to are all full of spikes which hurt her alot. L also after so many numerous failure think to himself I want to be the one who can take care of her I believe I am the one. However when he wants to approach her, another guy name D come into the picture. He also notice her and decide to go after her, Z tried to approach her , D knowing this that this Z is a rival come up with alot of cruel remarks. Things like height, things like what he stands more advantage you he will make sure of it to make Z look so much smaller and inferior.

Z of course was sad but then he never give up because he knows that if he peserve he surely can make it. Still doesn't look like he is stand much chance, perhaps of all the past failures he has gone through plus all those remarks made by D make him feel so insignificant.

Oh well a story I sort of hear from somewhere, perhaps I must say Z shouldn't give up because if he do give up then everything he has believed in will be gone. A strong rival appears doesn't mean we should just let the strong rival win without even putting up a fight. He can be all bigger in size, he can be all stronger we know, he can have alot of good points he can be the most desirable guy on earth, still doesn't mean a gal will just like him. Qualities he has you don have it doesn't mean you will be on a losing end, everyone is unique and special in their own way. What you lack in something , I believe you will be make up for it. I believe Z surely possess something which D don't even have.

I am thinking back on my past rls, a long distance rls I have before. I can't help but think that long distance relationship is really really hard to maintain when it is not even stable. Perhaps I build a rls on a sand castle that why when people try to flood it , it crumble. I don wish to make the same mistake again, went through the hurt again, went through the pain again. Sigh if only I am in singapore now, how I really wish I am studying in singapore now. Perhaps there is really a thing call fate , retribution. Am I reaping a bad seed I have planted that why I have to go through all these nonsense again and again ?

Tag replies:

To crystal: Yeah nice to see you in here and thanks for visiting. Take care and stay happy always.

Jimmy stop typing at 7:34 PM

Thursday, August 02, 2007
April's complaint

Lol After reading her blog, she was complaining how come bloggers are not updating their blog. Well I can't say for others but for me right, maybe you know already lah one word can descible lazy ? Wahaha and also pretty nothing much to update lei, My life quite boring one lor. Eh I reach australia today around 8.00 sg time. The plane reach sydney quite early was suppose to reach around 955 sydney time but it reach 9.25 instead quite early right. Well oh ya april I think you are going to laugh at me , I being a cuckoo today I got food with me but I declare no on the paper provided to me. Not because I want to take risk because I lazy to read through everything, I just read the first line, did you bring in you drugs or sort of alike things. I think the rest will be asking those kind of same questions I go tick all no thinking ai ya surely is the same mah. In the end right the custom officer was like seeing the paper and the food I have he nearly want to charge me 220 for violating the law and almost want to charge me in court sia. I really not on purpose one lei really not that I want to go take risk lor I just mabye lazy and tired lol. Anyway it ended up he give me a warning instead lucky me eh *wink.

Anyway finally reach back in australia, I was told by someone apparantly now australia is very cold now around 7 degrees. I though really so when I reach australia what the heck , where got 7 degrees. I step out of the airport ok lah not as hot as singapore of course but also not as cold as the fridge lei. Haha on the plane right I need to complain this, I took midnight flight I sort of can't sleep mah so I browse through the shows they have, a very long list get me very excited lei I though what so many nice shows I can watch over 60 titles. The first one being spiderman 3. I haven't watch it mah so I happily go turn it on, guess what it shows me indian show. lol damnn funny lor I was like huh how come spiderman become indian show. Nvm lei the acting really very funny , it shows of a man barge into a room , inside the room got one couple and another guy. The man who barge into the room was holding onto a gun. He was shouting everyone don move, then the guy was like huh why you come in like that lei. The man with the gun hit him down onto the floor and tell him you think I holding a flower in my hand is it ? It is a gun ok . Lol then he go ask the couple guy's name. The guy told him what rambutan or something similiar I began to laught then he told rambutan if he didn't barge in , the guy who he hit onto the floor will also do what he is doing lol. Then I begin to try to switch shows. I cannot swtich any movies I think they ddn't on the system damn sian lor and I don want to watch the lame show. So I off it and try to sleep. Really man the indian show entertaining sia the subtitles they translate damn funny. Then after I change and see all the same liao wanted to carry on watching, it auto swtich to another show what the. I sianz half lor. Then after I sleep and wake up at 5.30 am singapore time I go on again. This time right I lucky they random to spider man 3 I go rewind to the front then started watching happily until I watch midway they change to shrek 3 . Wah lau I nothing to say lei then waited awhile again they swtich back to spiderman 3 . I think it like watching movies with commericals in between the show you want to watch will be interurrpeted with another show. Damn sian lor I wanted to ask why lei but then I think midnight and still early morning mah they surely think we all should be sleeping so they didn't bother to set the thing right. Hai so I know liao take midnight flight see so many titles interesting shows don be too happy first will get disappointed later or in the end watch funny indian movies lol you think I holding a flower in my hand ? It is a gun ok lol . I still remember that line.

Anyway enough of my flight experience. Oh ya I forgot to add, the plane also got house. I manage to watch one epsiode but I think not the first one, I think in the middle one. Then I finally know house refers to the doctor whose name is call house. He ya abit scarcastic. The epsiode I watch is he get shot by unknown guy. Then afterwards he got warded with the same guy who shot him, apparantly something happen to that guy that why hospitalised together. Then he was like go irrate the killer, and when they are disccssing on how to save another patient, he say hey killer you cannot sleep must see how I save people , or something like that lol. Ok lah quite interesting maybe I will try to find the show.

Lastly tomorrow I will go enrol to my school, hopefully everything will goes well. Will try to update you all more about what will happen next. Till then see you all around.

Jimmy stop typing at 9:42 AM

Wednesday, August 01, 2007
Departing to Australia

It been 2 months already since I come back in June. So fast so many things happen during these 2 months, some happy some sad. Let not go into the sad part ya don wish to make dampen the reader's mood whoever is reading my post. Haha perhaps let just say somethings ended in a way even though not the initial way I wanted but still the same outcome I wanted. I was asked do you think it is good or bad ? I myself really think it is good. Anyway so fast I am going back to australia again, back to study my second year university in UTS. Perhaps it is another new start for me ba.

I am begining to think to quit mj, not because of the losing streaks I occured ever since I am back. Perhaps mj just isn't the game I am into maybe those losing streaks are showing me something ? Lol in whatever case let wait and see how it goes when I come back in december if possible with yan.

My life pretty much the same nothing much interesting and still alot of people is asking me so have you found a gf in singapore ? Hai perhaps let just say I am not the type of person whoever gal I see will want her to be my gf type of guy. I don look so desperate right ? I hope it would clear any misunderstandings of anyone having on me. I have no target now or anyone perhaps not now, or not even any time near. As I have said before some things are just fated perhaps I am the fated one who is to remain single? A quote I read of I believe it is quite true, if she is meant to be yours would be yours surely one day, if she is not meant to be the one no matter what you do eventually she will still leave you one day.

Anyway enough of my updates it time to rest. I am quite happy though even though I can't have one but seeing others happily together perhaps I am contented already.

Jimmy stop typing at 12:35 AM


Welcome to my life story

The time


Name: Jimmy Lim

Status: single

Birth place: Singapore

Current location: Australia sydney


Friend's blog

[Evil Gui]

[Evil Gui 2nd]















[Sze 1]

[Sze 2]



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