Thursday, March 20, 2008
A new reborn

It been some time since I last update my blog, hmm what happening in my life right now? Haha nothing much basically just the same old routine currently now in Australia. So far away from my home land some times I think I shouldn't have made the decision to come here. However who knows what will happen if I never choose to come here perhaps I won't be a vegetarian ? Yeah I am a vegetarian for now would it be for life ? I can't really say I can do it or not even though I really hope I can do it. I must say thank to april for being such supportive, well at lease I am sure telling that to other people their reaction would definetly why vegetarian blah blah blah but she is different, she told me do what you think is right go with your feelings. Perhaps she is right some times if you really think or feel you wanted to do something and can't do it then there must be some obstacles along the way. Clear the obstacles eventually you can move on to what you really want to do. I am referring to the right course of actions to doing good things not those criminal minded people. Please don be inspire by this and go do bad things hopefully I won't influence the wrong mindset.

I just chatted with a friend some time in the morning in msn, it like 3am and she is still busy working. I was like huh how come still working so late it must be very tiring well at lease good friday is coming I guess she can have a good rest and enjoy her weekends. After chatting with her I feel sort of emotional so I decided to write an entry.

How many people actually know what is a relationship ? How much does it mean to them or how important does it stand to them ? There are alot of people in this world all has different mindset, and attitude towards relationship but how much do they actually treasure it ? Some guys would go by the attitude that it just a normal relationship, I go through all the trouble to get her hence I must get the full out of it. Maybe after getting her feel that there is no more trills decided to break up and so on. I not saying all guys would have that kind of mentality however I believe there are guys are like that or even cheated on their gf. If you don love her why go after her ? If you love her why don't you cherish her ? For as far I know when a girl fall in love with you, that is if you really manage to touch her heart then she is prepared to be with you whole heartedly. I believe there are people who are serious in relationships also to these people I am happy for them and hope all lovers will eventually be together. To those people who are just playing around please stop, you are not only breaking their hearts you are also making them skeptical about love.

There is something I must say, when a relationship ended yes it hurts alot I am sure it really hurts. This pain is hard to bear but it is also this pain that make love so percious and so true. If you never seek for true love you will still feel the hurt, the pain and sadness. Don give up trying eventually you will find the true love even though you are badly wounded, don worry the true love of your life when found you will see that all are worth it and eventually all will healed.

Quote of the day: Pain is a very uncomfortable feeling, but without pain there will be nothing to differniate that painless feeling is actually a very comfortable feeling.

Jimmy stop typing at 4:05 AM


Welcome to my life story

The time


Name: Jimmy Lim

Status: single

Birth place: Singapore

Current location: Australia sydney


Friend's blog

[Evil Gui]

[Evil Gui 2nd]















[Sze 1]

[Sze 2]



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