Monday, October 06, 2008
My birthday

Well it been really long since I updated my blog, I guess it starting to rot. First of all today is my birthday yeah another year has passed and I am 26 years old already. Thinking back it really amazing how fast time passes. Yet I am still studying and have to take another 1 years plus to finish my studies. I don want to ta bao but yet it just keep on coming to me. My parents will alway say I never try hard enough as I alway play games and such. Well they are right I didn't really try hard enough maybe I just can't seem to find the motivation to study.

My birthday I am suppose to talk about happy stuffs right, alright then one thing worth mentioning is that I somehow manage to find back a very long lost friend in facebook. Some one who I really have deep feelings for even though it been a really long time which we lost contact. Happy and at the same time feeling sad, because she is happily attached to her boyfriend. Perhaps I should feel happy for her that she manage to find her ideal guy, sad that I can't be the one to be with her.

I will wish her all the best and hopefully she really has attain her happiness. I have made a birthday wish but I won't be saying it out here. Lastly I wanted to start on a story perhaps a brain twister type of story. I think maybe I will start on the next post when I have brainstorm enough ideas. Oh ya forgot to mention I got a number of friends married and engaged really happy for them too and congrats to them. Upcoming wedding in Jan will be Mr Jeffrey Tan so looking forward to your wedding. Another wedding will be in May which belong to April. It quite sad though I can't attend her wedding as I will be back in Sydney studying. I shall end here look forward to my next post as I will start off with a story type telling. I will try to make it interesting alright, don fall asleep ya.

Jimmy stop typing at 7:31 PM


Welcome to my life story

The time


Name: Jimmy Lim

Status: single

Birth place: Singapore

Current location: Australia sydney


Friend's blog

[Evil Gui]

[Evil Gui 2nd]















[Sze 1]

[Sze 2]



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