Tuesday, August 11, 2009
It been a long time

Hey guys guess my blog is getting rusty for so long I never update. Ok first of all you all must be wondering what have I been up to. Alot of question mark on your head ya. So this blog entry is Q and A session:

First question: Hey Jim what up haven't seen you online or update in your blog.

Jim: Well I am very l lazy to update before and after exams in june I began to play back on wow hence for the whole 2 months rarely come online to msn and chat.

Random asker: Oh you play wow ? Can you tell me what is wow ?

Jim: It just an online game call world of warcarft by blizzard. It sort of a very good time waster and highly recommended if you are really free and nothing to do. You do have to pay though.

Random asker: I see, so in the world of warcraf how does it work ?

Jim: It basically like any other online games, there are 2 fractions which is alway on war with each other. Among the fractions you can choose a race to be and then after that choose a class. Races for Alliance side you can choose to become human, dawarfs, gnomes, night elfs and draenei. For horde side you can choose to become orc, troll, tauren, undead and blood elfs. Then you can continue on choosing what you want to be, warrior , mage, shaman , rouge, paladin, warlock, druid and hunter.

Random asker: So what did you choose ?

Jim: Oh I choosen death knight , paladin, mage and priest. The highest level you can reach is 80 which only attain on my death knight.

Random asker: What is so fun about wow ?

Jim: If you ask me actually I find that wow got this player vs player system , so if you are not on the same fraction when you see each other. You can just attack him regardless of your level. Wow also create dungeons and raids for players to group together to fight bosses. Dungeons are small raids are larger hence dungeon requires only 5 player and raids require 10 or 25 ...

Random asker: So When you started and who brought you in ?

Jim: In my army days one of my CQ he is inchage of store, and he recommended me to play , I played at first and tried the trial but I find it boring cuz it all abou questing. Until after army I met april she sort of recommend me to go in again. This time I went in and played with her and her friends hence started the adventure.

Random asker: Well do you really like the game ?

Jim: Actually I don really mind the game, but then what I hate about the game aspect is that people tend to look for good geared charactor, and if you don reach the standard you can't join in the fight. Hence I feel so left out and worse of all you join a guild hoping they could run you but end up they do their own stuffs leaving you to do everything by yourself.

Random asker: Sounds like the wow community isn't really friendly ?

Jim: Not really perhaps it a new group of people I met, actually one of them is my friend, this guy luwee help me alot hence very appreciative of his efforts.

Random asker: Ok enough of wow I guess people are more interested in your social life, so is there anyone special in your life ?

Jim: Well I aren't seeing anyone right now, still single as suggested in blog homepage. Not that I don want to update it, it there is no one for me to update. Tried going after a gal but end up it didn't work out.

Random asker: Oh gosh you are still single after so long ? I don believe it.

Jim: Yes it is , look like I am fated to be a loner.

Random asker: So how many more years to finish your studies ?

Jim: By next year june hopefully everything can worked out.

Random asker: So what makes you suddenly want to update your blog?

Jim: Actually you see it all about feelings and the right timing. Today I feel abit emotional and wow is on maintainance so I am free therefore here I am.

Random asker: How your uni life so far?

Jim: My uni is very boring, everytime I go to uni is just for lesson and then go home everyday same routine. I don have much friends in uni too which is very similar to wow isn't it lol..

Random asker: I can't believe this how could you have no friends ?

Jim: Well it is a fact, I don have much friends in uni, perhaps I aren't that next door wanted guy and I don talk much.

Random asker: Alright then so last question your wow has a time limit right, so when is it ending ? Do you have any plans to extend ?

Jim: That is a very good 2 question, first of all it ends on sunday and I really want to extend but then I find it no point in extending because I can't join in any raid and been going to dungeon only. Sort of sick of going into dungeon hence still considering whether to extend or not.

Random asker: I see alright then till next time let have this Q n A again ?

Jim: Yeah I don mind, when I have the time, and if anyone has any questions feel free to post at the side of the chatbox. Now before I go I have to ask this who is this random asker ?

Random asker: .....................

Alright then people that what been happening to me, and for some tv news updates. People who are catching fringe, house and doll house, they are coming back in september with fringe on 16th of sep, dollhouse on the 17th of sep and house on the 20th of september. The long awaited and one of my fav is stargate universe, that is coming in oct it about time too so excited so many shows coming back. Alright guys till next time...

Jimmy stop typing at 8:13 PM


Welcome to my life story

The time


Name: Jimmy Lim

Status: single

Birth place: Singapore

Current location: Australia sydney


Friend's blog

[Evil Gui]

[Evil Gui 2nd]















[Sze 1]

[Sze 2]



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